Image (by Tima Miroshnichenko) of a woman alongside a book cataloguing system.

Useful resources to better understand social inequality or improve the socio-economic diversity of your staff, students or beneficiaries


Toolkits and guides

Click on the images below to download the documents and share with your colleagues.

Practical guide to help organisations calculate their socio-economic pay gap, set targets for socio-economic diversity and drive change


Employers interested in setting targets for socio-economic background can be informed by Slaughter and May’s social mobility report

Inclusive recruitment toolkit for the screen industries offering a step-by-step approach to improving diversity


Employers’ toolkit, produced for the Social Mobility Commission, that offers practical ways in which all employers can be more equal, access new talent, and develop more inclusive workplaces


In collaboration with Jerwood Arts, this guide helps employers in the arts change their organisational cultures to attract and retain a more socio-economically diverse workforce


